Poppy Auction

Pride of place in the Club goes to a Flanders Poppy in a glass case. This poppy is one of six originally manufactured in 1923 and we believe is the only example to have survived.

Since 1923 the poppy has been auctioned every year on November 11th and the proceeds are given to the Royal British Legion. The first auction raised £2 .12. 6d and in the last four years proceeds of over £1000 have been raised at each auction The auction night is a great tradition and a major date on the Club calendar every year and is very well supported by the Members.

Poppy Night 2023

The service took place on Friday, November 10 – 100 years to the day of the inaugural auction and in attendance were senior officials from the local Royal British Legion: including the Poppy Appeal Organiser  Chairman Mike Dale.

Captain Gerry Christie(retired) of the Northumberland A.C.F Casino Band Buglers sounded the Last Post and then the Reveille.

Retired Reverend Angela Plummer presided.

The traditional auction of the Club’s Flanders Poppy was carried out by Club Official Alan Cooke.

Bidding was vigorous between 2 bidders. The winning bid was  £2000 as bid by a member of the Royal British Legion volunteers, Carole Whincup in memory of her husband Keith.

In addition to this a further £400 was collected from the floor,  your chairman rounded this up to £500.

Therefore a total of £2500 was raised for the British Legion

This was again a tremendous effort by the Club Members and Friends.